Wednesday, December 18, 2013

How To Tell Azaleas From Rhododendrons?

These two ornamental shrubs you can find in yards all over the world. Azaleas has a signature characteristic and it is the vibrant displays of color. The signature characteristic of the rhododendrons is their spectacular and dramatic flower clusters.

These two plants grow in a variety of shapes and sizes. They also have handsome foliage with diverse,  texture, and they have good versatility in landscapes, does not matter whether they are in beds, borders, and containers. Rhododendrons and azaleas are similar in many ways. The two have similar cultural requirements and their landscapes uses are the same. The two  plants have differences in their adaptability, history, and physical characteristics of development, size, leaf texture, and flower type.
The similarities which includes that they all like humus-rich moist, slightly acid, well-drained soil, and they require some shade for best performance. If you want your plants to performed good, plant them by established trees that provide afternoon shade.

They also look alike from afar with their glossy, dark green leaves and shrubby habit. They look very good together.

Native species of azaleas, and rhododendrons are found in a triangle of Asia, including Nepal, parts of southwestern China, and northern Burma.

There are differences between rhododendrons and azaleas. The leaves of the rhododendrons are leathery, and the flowers are in large clusters at the ends of the stems. Azaleas have small leaves and profuse flowers scattered over the entire shrub. Both of the plants have small leaves. The difference between the two plants are the undersides of their leaves. Lepidote rhododendrons are covered in tiny scales, whereas, the azaleas have no scales.

The leaves of rhododendrons are thicker, darker  green and more robust appearing.

The flowers of azaleas are smaller than the rhododendron's. They both have very pretty flowers.

Differences between rhododendrons from azaleas.

Azalea s leaves are small,, narrow, and painted. The undersides of  leaves have  small hairs and the leaves are  easier, thinner, and softer than those of rhododendrons. Flowers are flatter than rhododendrons. Flowers are on the sides and on the sides and on the tips of the stems. Flowers has five lobes and five stamens.

The leaves are broad, long, large, and leathery leaves. They have smaller leaves than azalea leaves. The leaves are heavier in texture, and usually hairless. Flowers are more bell-shaped and they are larger than azalea flowers. Flowers have large clusters of each blossoms at the ends of the branches. Flowers have five to seven lobes and ten or more stamens.


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