Tuesday, December 17, 2013

How To Grow Calabese Broccoli?

I think that any vegetables or fruits that you grow your own self, they always tastes better than any that is store-bought. They are also more tender than store-bought. This plant produce one main central head and it also has many smaller side shoots and this means that the harvest will be prolong. The florets freezes real well, so if their is any surplus they can be preserved for later use. If their is any surplus they can be preserved for later use. If there is not any space to start the plants off in doors, direct so wings outdoors in the summer perform extremely well.

Broccoli is a vegetable that prefers a rich, well-drained soil, so I will add a big amount of organic matter which will be well-rotted manure or compost and I will  do this the season before I will be planting in that area. I always make sure that no other members of the brassica family have been planted in this same location in the past three years and this helps to prevent  the build-up of soil diseases.

Calabrese broccoli can be sown under cover either in pots or large trays, that can be transplanted later on. I will put seed compost in the containers, then I will firm the compost, and I will water well, and make two holes each pot or module, that are 1/2 inch deep. I will drop a seed into each hole that I have made then I  will cover with compost, and then I will water them lightly. After they emerged, I will thin the seedlings to keep the strongest ones.

Sometimes I will plant the  seeds outside. I will plant the seeds outside. I will need to create a seedbed and make my rows twelve inches apart, and I will sow three seeds every eight inches into holes that are 3/4 inch deep. I will thin out the seedlings, so I will have the strongest seedlings, and I will put pellets down to protect my seedlings from slugs.

When my indoor-sown plants are six inches tall, I will harden them off and then I will plant them out in my garden, at eight inches apart. I keep an eye on my plants so they do not get root-bound because that can cause the premature formation of small heads. Keep the plants well watered and keep the plants well weeded. I put aluminium foil around each plant to deter cabbage root fly.

I divide up my plot by using bamboo poles and string, because this helps with my plant spacings land it also acts as a support for netting. Sometimes I will need to tied my tall plants to bamboo poles to give them sufficient support.

The routine care of the plants, as the heads of the plants begin to develop, I will put soil around the base of the stems to stabilize them and this is called earthing up. Now is the time to add a granular high-nitrogen fertilizer and I do this because this boost the main head size, and it encourages of the production of side shoots so I can have several different ones.

I will put a frame of the netting over my plants to keep the birds out especially the pigeons. I do this to keep the cabbage white butterflies and the mealy cabbage aphids. The net has  to be fine, with a maximum mesh diameter of 1/2 inch to stop the adult butterflies from reaching my plants.

I can start harvesting my crop in approximately three to four months after I sow them, which depends on the variety and the time of the year. I will cut the main head off first, and  then, when the smaller side shoots appears, I will harvest them. The younger leaves of broccoli can be eaten as well.


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