Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Where Can Vegetables By Planted?

If a person lives where the space is very limited and you still would like to plant a few vegetables, herbs, or fruits, there is a place that you can plant them and that is in a flowerbed. Many vegetables have attractive foliage flowers, and  fruit. Just be careful  that you don't plant anything like mint and Jerusalem artichoke because these plants will quickly spread all over the place. When I make up my mind on what I am going to plant, I need to make  sure that all of the flowers and vegetables will go together. Always remember to always think about the height of everything. Put all the taller plants the shorter ones in front, so if I go by this a border that is attach to my flower bed will be good for everything. 

Many vegetables are annuals, so I can use the less tender type to fill gaps early during spring. After this has been grown and use up then I can put annual flowers in the same area that I have my vegetables before. As the summer progress any of the  fruit-bearing vegetables, tomatoes, beans, peppers, and eggplant, will look good beside my flowers. Corn can be planted in case, I do not want ornamental grasses. Make sure that all of my plants are able to have enough space to grow. I will need to be prepared to feed and water all of my plants.

Doing the winter, some crops that I can plant in my flower bed border are kale, leeks, and chicory.

By my flower bed border is close to a fence planting pole beans will be nice to plant there and train them to climb my fence.

Since I still have room in my  flower bed, planting herbs and fruits are two more good types of plants to plant in my flower bed.

Herbs that are good to use in my flowerbed are bay and rosemary. Sage is also another good herb to plant, along with parsley, chives, and basil.

Blackberry and raspberries are good for ornamental border. Blueberry is also another good one to plant in the flower bed.

When I am using a flower bed don't except a whole bunch of produce to be harvest. I am using  a small area.

Keep all of my plants water real good and fertilize my plants. While I am watering my plants, I will check for pests and always take action if I do find any pests.

Here are some  vegetables that are suitable to grow with ornamental plants. Bean bush, beet, cabbage [red or savory types], carrots, chicory, eggplant, fernel, kale, leek, lettuce, [especially red and loose- leaf types]., orka, pepper, tomato [may need support], swiss chard, and summer squash.

Some vegetables that are climbing ones that I can use in my flower beds. They are tomato, pole bean, cucumber, pea, beans and winter squash. All of them will need support of some kind, because most of them need support.Other materials that I will need are a hoe, water hose, tiller, rake, seed planter, and a machine that I can use to fertilize the crops.


I love to have flowers planted where I lived, and I also would like to grow some vegetables that I like to eat I would  be able to plant both flowers and vegetables in my flower beds. I like to have fresh herbs to use, I can also grow them in my flower beds.

So flowers, herbs, and vegetables can be grown in one garden space, so that is good. ">

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